Invisible to the outside world, the communications threads of the state parliament come together in the underground computer center. Vast amounts of data and information have to be processed and secured here every day. Due to the central importance of the data-center, the monetary and non-monetary losses in the event of a fire can be immense. An effective and uninterruptible IT infrastructure is therefore very important - this also applies to fire protection.
Since 1962, the State Parliament of Lower Saxony has been located in Hanover's Leineschloss. The building was erected in 1637 as a ducal residence. Over the years, it has undergone many additions and alterations. During the Second World War it was destroyed by air raids on Hanover, except for the outer walls. It was rebuilt from 1956 on.
In addition to active fire prevention by means of the OxyReduct® oxygen reduction system, the fire protection concept used in the state parliament provides for rapid reduction so that in the event of a fire being detected by TITANUS® aspirating smoke detectors, the oxygen level in the data center is further reduced within a few minutes by introducing additional nitrogen from extinguishing gas containers. The VisuLAN® organizational / hazard management system centrally controls the necessary security measures.
In normal operation, the OxyReduct® fire prevention system reduces the oxygen content to a previously defined level below the ignition limit of critical materials in the protected area and continuously maintains it at this level. The reduced oxygen content creates an atmosphere in the data center that prevents the normal spread of fire.
TITANUS® aspirating smoke detectors continuously monitor the room air in the protected areas for the smallest smoke particles. The system detects fires very reliably already in the pyrolysis phase, i.e. when smoke is not yet visible and the fire in its early stages is not yet detectable by conventional smoke detectors.
If the TITANUS® smoke detectors detect a fire, the oxygen concentration in the protected area is immediately lowered further by means of rapid reduction. The nitrogen required for this comes from stored extinguishing agent tanks. By means of an oxygen reduction system, the oxygen level can be maintained without restriction after flooding.
Thanks to networking with the VisuLAN® organization/hazard management system, all systems and necessary safety measures can be controlled centrally in an emergency.
The use of OxyReduct® significantly reduces the fire risk in the protected area. With combining the fire prevention system with early fire detection and a hazard management system, we have found an optimal solution.