The WAGNER OxyReduct® fire prevention system, recognizable by the green label, installed at a customer site.

OxyReduct­ M-Line®

Nitrogen generation with membrane technology for lower N2 requirements

An atmosphere with a low oxygen concentration can actively prevent a fire. With its OxyReduct® fire prevention system, WAGNER acts before a fire can even break out, thus providing maximum safety. The OxyReduct­ M-Line® extracts the required nitrogen from the ambient air using a membrane method. The system is ideally suited for applications requiring little N2. The nitrogen generator operates quietly and also offers compact space requirements and low investment costs.


Membrane technology for nitrogen generation

In membrane technology for nitrogen production, the ambient air is first compressed and prepared. The processed compressed air is then passed through a hollow fiber membrane and filtered. The oxygen molecules diffuse through the fiber walls, while the larger nitrogen molecules flow through the fibers.

Functional Principle of the OxyReduct M-Line

The generated nitrogen is piped through piping into the protected area, while the oxygen-enriched exhaust air is vented into the environment. The membrane method of separating nitrogen and oxygen molecules provides a continuous flow rate.


The advantages of WAGNER membrane technology at a glance

Umbrella as an icon


Oxygen reduction minimizes the risk of a fire

A shield symbol with a tick


Reliable nitrogen generation and supply

Coins as an icon

Cost-effective purchase

Low investment costs due to the technology

Square with dots


Excellent space/production volume ratio

Crossed-out ear as an icon


The membrane technology enables low-noise nitrogen generation

Curved paper as an icon


OxyReduct­ M-Line® is part of the VdS-approved OxyReduct®­ system

Stacked squares


The compressor and separation unit can be placed anywhere in the room or in separate rooms

An icon in the shape of a cross made of arrows


Option to connect multiple systems for higher nitrogen requirements

A. Hulm: Head of Market Management

You want to know whether this is the right nitrogen generator for you?

Then get in touch.

Artur Hulm

Head of Market Management
